Getting the grounds, garden and sports field strategies right at your School will not only make a significant difference to the perception of care you create for staff, parents and students. It will also demonstrate your level of commitment to the people who make your organisation thrive…..“If you are not investing in your school, how can I be sure you are investing in me?”
At Solid Ground Landscaping we have the privilege of working with over a dozen Independent and Catholic Schools in the Sydney region and this combined with our 40 plus years of experience working with bursars and property managers ensuring they get the most out of their landscape and sports fields makes us feel we are in a very strong position to help YOU.
With Christmas holidays fast approaching now is the time to act.
When everyone returns from the Christmas break will your grounds, gardens and sports fields give staff and students that positive feeling of anticipation regarding the New Year ahead? Planning for this reaction starts NOW by implementing good maintenance practices and innovative upgrade ideas.
Please contact Justin (0498 222 726) or Mark (0407 824 414) for an obligation free site consultation to see how we can add value to you and your School.
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